Jennifer Eubank

Titillating Tigereye

Tigereye is in the chalcedony family and occurs when quartz forms over crocidolite, a material of piled fibers, and when sliced, give us the beautifully banded effect so attractive to the human eye, those deep brown bands cut with shimmering blond bands, known as chatoyance, familiarly attributed to Tigereye. Huge deposits are found in South Africa, and aptly named for the great cats found in this country’s hot and dry air lands, necessary elements to form this mineral. Also found in Namibia, Australia, India and Thailand.

Tigereye is most associated with the first three Chakras, the more physical Chakras, giving us a sense of safety and secure groundedness, supporting physical energy and vitality. It gives us the strength and stamina to carry on, aiding us in tapping into our own innate core powers. Often used in battle, Tigereye has been historically used extensively in protective amulets to keep its bearer safe. 

It’s also thought to support the endocrine system, bringing one’s biochemistry into balance and can stimulate higher energy to its wearer. It’s a blood fortifier, which also promotes energy and fights sluggishness, another reason it is often worn in battle. 

Tigereye is spiritually associated with the idea of duality in nature and can help balance extreme energies, indicative in its polarizing light and dark bands. So if you have to mediate an argument or in a career where you need to bring harmony to opposing viewpoints, this may be your go-to stone.

In the 70s, there was a trend when everyone had to have an Add-a-bead necklace. A little simple gold chain and then you pick your bead/stone and over time add to your beads, offset by tiny gold ones. My mother made sure that each of her daughters had one and I was naturally drawn to the gold and brown bands of Tigereye, so that was my pick. Later on I realized its connection to the Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras, each of which have been challenging for me to balance, so it seems to have fortified the idea that I needed a little extra protection in the more physical Chakras. Afterall, I am a Scorpio, a Dragon, and a left-handed artist, so that’s a good deal of passion that needs balancing. I am also one of 9 kids. Many an opinion in that household just begging for harmonizing!

Recently I’ve been drawn to the cherry red and blue varieties. While man has interfered with nature to create these varieties, either by dying or heat treating the stones, they are still exquisite! These different varieties have various properties. For instance, Blue Tigereye relieves stress and so is wonderful for meditating,  Cherry Red varieties bring energy and fire while gold varieties promote an attention to detail. 

Tigereye Drop Earrings by Jennifer Eubank

Check out these jewelry listings featuring Tigereye: