Jennifer Eubank

Jennifer Eubank

“ Are You a (sic) Ole Lady?”: A Yoga Teacher’s Hip Replacement Journey (part 1)

I can still hear my late sister Gail impersonating one of her young elementary school students, checking out her gray hair and asking her with an inquisitive stance, hands on his hips (ha!), head sidecocked with one eye closed, “Are you a (sic) ole lady?” Every time I struggle with stiff joints, unable to put […]

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Titillating Tigereye

Tigereye is in the chalcedony family and occurs when quartz forms over crocidolite, a material of piled fibers, and when sliced, give us the beautifully banded effect so attractive to the human eye, those deep brown bands cut with shimmering blond bands, known as chatoyance, familiarly attributed to Tigereye. Huge deposits are found in South

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Amazing Amazonite

This stone pays tribute to the mighty river near where many Amazonite resources are found in Brazil, though you actually won’t find it along its shores. Still, one can easily envision the Amazon and its natural blues, greens, tans and creams of its water and riverbed. It’s also found in India, Australia, Madagascar, Namibia and

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A Little Less Conversation……………………

Dharma comes from the Sanskrit root dhr, which means “to sustain”, so dharma literally means that which sustains. Simply put, it means duty. What is your duty in life? That changes, depending on your age, your vocation in life, evolving relationships, and your interests. It has moral connotations, the idea that a certain dynamic order

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What is Yoga?

What is Yoga? Literally, it means to unite, to yoke. We unite mind, body and spirit to become more whole, more connected with ourselves. In ancient times, as yoga first took root, it was about getting in tune with yourself and your innate nature, to be kind and compassionate. to reach a higher consciousness. It

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